
Try FileAi Today

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  • 2,000 Words In Chat
  • 1 File
  • 10MB File Limit


For individuals starting to drive real value with AI.

$9.90 /month

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  • Unlimited Words In Chat
  • Up to 100 Files
  • 80MB File limits
  • Multi-File Reading

Frequently asked questions

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What types of files can I manage and share with FileAi?
FileAi supports a wide range of file types including, but not limited to, documents (e.g., PDF, DOCX), images (e.g., JPEG, PNG), spreadsheets (e.g., XLSX), presentations (e.g., PPTX), and text files (e.g., TXT). Its AI-driven features are designed to work seamlessly with various file formats, providing advanced organization, analysis, and sharing capabilities.
What is FileAi, and how does it work?
FileAi is a cloud-based platform designed to enhance file management, sharing, and collaboration through advanced AI-driven features. It allows users to upload, analyze, and share files securely and efficiently. FileAi uses machine learning algorithms to provide insights, automate file organization, and ensure optimal data handling. All interactions with files are temporary, adhering to strict zero retention policies to safeguard user privacy and data security.
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